Hello Everyone. In this page you will find many facts and why's about Earth and Space in the form of Question and Answer. So enjoy and don't forget to reply how is this blog and how can i make it better. :)
Q. When did Old and New Worlds Separate?
Ans. The continents of of the old World ( Europe, Asia and Africa ) and the New World ( The Americas ) have been have been slowly drifting on the surface of the Earth when it became solid. In the last 150 million years, the Atlantic has Gradually opened up, separating The Americas from Africa and Europe.
Alaska and Siberia were once joined, but the present Alaska and Siberia are separated by Bering Strait.
Q. Where are Diamonds and Gold found?
Ans. Diamonds were formed deep underground in condition of intense heat and pressure. Artificial Diamonds can be made in factories. Pure carbon is baked under great pressure to over 1400 degree Celsius. Natural Diamonds were probably formed under similar conditions. Diamonds are mined in South Africa, Tanzania, Siberia, Africa, Brazil, India, Australia, Indonesia and the former Soviet Republics. Gold is formed in the mineral veins in rocks, or in gravels which have been washed away from areas where Gold bearing rocks have been eroded. Prospectors may pan the gravel in streams for grains of gold. Half of the world;s gold is mined in South Africa.
Q. Why is the Sea Salty?
Ans. All water contains salts. The taste depends on the quantity and the water in which it is dissolved. In the sea it depends on the temperature , the rivers flowing into it and the currents. With high temperatures, water evaporates and salt gets very concentrated. River bring clean water. So a sea which has a lot of river water is less salty than those of few rivers. The currents mix the waters and dilutes the quantity of salts.
Q. Why is Mars Red?
Ans. The rocks on the surface of the Mars contains Irons which are turned into a sort of rust. This red, dusty material covers the planets surface and is sometimes blown into a huge dust storm.
On Mars, the "Red Planet" , the dust is so thin that it hangs into the air as a permanent haze, causing the sky be pink rather than the blue color. Sometimes the surface of the planet disappears from sight as vast dust clouds are raised by Martian Winds.
Q. When did Old and New Worlds Separate?
Ans. The continents of of the old World ( Europe, Asia and Africa ) and the New World ( The Americas ) have been have been slowly drifting on the surface of the Earth when it became solid. In the last 150 million years, the Atlantic has Gradually opened up, separating The Americas from Africa and Europe.
Alaska and Siberia were once joined, but the present Alaska and Siberia are separated by Bering Strait.
Q. Where are Diamonds and Gold found?
Ans. Diamonds were formed deep underground in condition of intense heat and pressure. Artificial Diamonds can be made in factories. Pure carbon is baked under great pressure to over 1400 degree Celsius. Natural Diamonds were probably formed under similar conditions. Diamonds are mined in South Africa, Tanzania, Siberia, Africa, Brazil, India, Australia, Indonesia and the former Soviet Republics. Gold is formed in the mineral veins in rocks, or in gravels which have been washed away from areas where Gold bearing rocks have been eroded. Prospectors may pan the gravel in streams for grains of gold. Half of the world;s gold is mined in South Africa.
Q. Why is the Sea Salty?
Ans. All water contains salts. The taste depends on the quantity and the water in which it is dissolved. In the sea it depends on the temperature , the rivers flowing into it and the currents. With high temperatures, water evaporates and salt gets very concentrated. River bring clean water. So a sea which has a lot of river water is less salty than those of few rivers. The currents mix the waters and dilutes the quantity of salts.
Q. Why is Mars Red?
Ans. The rocks on the surface of the Mars contains Irons which are turned into a sort of rust. This red, dusty material covers the planets surface and is sometimes blown into a huge dust storm.
On Mars, the "Red Planet" , the dust is so thin that it hangs into the air as a permanent haze, causing the sky be pink rather than the blue color. Sometimes the surface of the planet disappears from sight as vast dust clouds are raised by Martian Winds.
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